STQI Downtown Toronto School
Your Journey to a Strong Mind and Body
Written by Master Dao on Sunday, January 03, 2021

The Secrets of Shaolin Eight Brocades Baduanjin Qigong


The traditional form of the Eight Brocades Qigong is a Soft Moving Meditation exercise and sets the foundation for many other Shaolin qigong forms. It is with this form that the practitioner develops the awareness, experience, and understanding of the breath and qi energy moving in the body.

Each movement shown here has a specific purpose in moving qi throughout the body. All of these are intended to develop a Net Qi Gain. This is an idea that one can release more energy in the body than used and distribute that energy evenly or as needed to boost one’s circulatory system. The better your blood circulation, the better each individual cell can function. One can also learn to relax the mind and the muscles. Instead of using the qi to assist in movement, one can essentially flow like water.

When one learns to apply advanced qi flow techniques to this form, one will derive even greater benefits. It is only with continued and regular practice over many years can truly appreciate the beneficial power of this form.

Download the free poster on Shaolin Baduanjin Qigong in PDF format here!

Click here to try a 22-minute class with our YouTube video!

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