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About This FundThis private fund is dedicated in memory of Helen Ko, to assist the poor, seniors with no income, and those with disabilities. From 2018 to 2022, we have raised over $24,000 to support those in need. 100% of the money in this fund goes to uniforms and taking classes for the Shaolin Arts of Kung Fu, Qigong, and Tai Chi at the downtown Toronto School. |
WHO IS HELEN KO?Helen Ko is Master Dao’s mother who passed away in November of 2017. She devoted her life as a social and marriage counsellor, and organized many successful fundraising events to help those in need. She was also a pioneer in helping Chinese Canadians to settle into Canada and deal with familial conflicts resulting from the differences between Chinese and Canadian culture. She is a great inspiration for Master Dao and continues to be one of his main motivators in helping others live better lives. WHO IS ELIGIBLE?We are currently using the funds to support students training at the downtown Toronto facility. You must be a Canadian resident and meet one of the following requirements:
WE NEED MORE DONORS!Of the $24,000 we have raised to date, $8,000 have ome from student contributions and $16,000 from Master Dao. It has been Master Dao's intention to financially match the support of the students, and the funds have been over exhausted. So without more funding, we are unable to support more students. If you would like to make a financial contribution, please visit our website with the link provided below: https://www.stqitoronto.com/index.php/forms/view/vFSK0jiIvH HOW DOES THIS PROGRAM WORK?This is a transparent fund, so you must be comfortable with the donor knowing who they’ve helped. You will need to first create an account on this website and login. Once you have done that, please come back to this page or refresh and you will be able to fill out a form below. |